Elevated by Knowledge

Elevated by Knowledge

It seemed like just last week we were enjoying the open road and soaking our feet in the ocean.  Now we keep hearing its "the end of summer."  Maybe its because the kids are getting shipped back to school and its about that time you realize you didn't accomplish all of your summer goals.  Even though summer is winding down we are here to remind you its not over.  Technically the last day of summer is September 23rd.  

Autumn Travelers Trunk School

"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't."  Bill Nye

Back to school Autumn Treefort

With the reality sinking in that every summer has to come to an end, we reflect on the the warm rays of the sun.   We are going to miss the camping trips with friends, beach days, star gazing, naps in hammocks and cookouts.  We always try to make the most of the our summers in the PNW by exploring new zones and spending as much time outdoors as possible.  Most often we find our inspiration for new products and designs throughout these summer months.

Autumn Back to school treefort

When the seasons change, we know we will be spending more time in doors.  Even though we love summer we look forward to whats next.  The younger generation will have to go to school, but everyone has a choice to elevate their own knowledge.  At Treefort Lifestyles we are always evolving and progressing our knowledge of high quality craftsmanship. Within the last year we starting exploring leather working  and its been a whole new learning experience.  We encourage you to learn something new or elevate the skills and knowledge you already have to higher level.      

Autumn Travelers Trunk

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." Jimi Hendrix

Autumn Reading treefort lifestyles

Soon enough, Fall will be here and its back to wearing jackets and sweatshirts, so hang onto these remaining weeks and end you summer on a high note!  

Photos by Fenn Paider: www.fennpaider.com/photography123

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