May Flowers

May Flowers

Living in Oregon we find inspiration all around us.  Warming temps have brought us beautiful perennials flowering all over the city of Portland.  Portland, OR is most commonly known as the City of Roses for many different reasons.  In the spirit of May we journeyed to Portland to walk around and check out the International Rose Garden with Julie Kniff.  

Julie Kniff Rose Garden

There are many cities referred to as the City of Roses but Portland claims to be the original City of Roses and heres why:  

  • Portland's Rose Festival dates back to 1907 and remains the city's major annual festival more than a century later.
  • In 1917, the International Rose Test Garden was established, and it now features more than 7,000 rose plants of 550 varieties.
  • Others contribute the nickname to Leo Samuel, who grew roses outside his home in the early 1900's. He placed a pair of shears outside his garden so people could snip a rose from his garden to take for themselves. This encouraged other people and businesses to plant their own roses outside their homes and business.

Shopping for Roses

Don’t forget to use our hashtags #treefortlifestyles and #elevatedperspective so we can see you rocking our gear!

Jesse Gondek Idaho

@jesse_gondek with the Canopy Cap and Crows Nest Koozie

Congrats to Jake Sandstrom for winning our Airbender Giveaway! Make sure to pick up a window surfboard for your next road trip and stay tuned for our next Instagram giveaway in June with Gianna Andrews!

Air Bender Giveaway

Treefort Store

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